A note from our founder:

Since saving my life, my buddy and neurosurgeon Dr. Howard Riina has introduced me to some fascinating people. On top of that list is materials scientist Professor Fritz Vollrath, Head of Oxford Biomaterials and the Oxford Research Group at Oxford University. Fritz knows more about silk and using natural silk composites to solve problems than anyone, ever. As an added bonus Fritz bears an uncanny resemblance to “Doc” from Back to the Future. 

Howard and I met shortly after I got hit by a car and went head first through the windshield. He performed emergency surgery to remove half of my skull which left me in a coma for a few weeks and in the hospital for many months. Needless to say we became very close - he was even a groomsman in my wedding. Years ago in a non profit we started together, Howard and I discussed replacing EPS foam in a bike helmet with Fritz and his 50 years of published research on using silk in medical products. As I started to understand both the potential of the material and an ever growing interest in creating sustainable products I knew our idea was much bigger. This is a moment in time that we can build something incredible. 

We started with Howard and Fritz’s modest attitudes and brilliant minds and have since assembled a group of seasoned researchers, mechanical engineers and industrial designers to develop our natural replacement for EPS foam. We have the natural ingredients to protect you, your products and our planet so do not hesitate to get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

-Charlie Maddock

Dr. Howard Riina

Professor Neurosurgery, Neurology and Radiology NYU Langone Health.

Vice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery NYU Langone Health.

Director, NYU Center for Stroke and Neurovascular Diseases NYU Langone Health.

Globally recognized expert in the treatment of vascular lesions affecting the brain and spinal cord.

Charlie’s Lead surgeon after his accident.

Charlie Maddock

Former Operating Partner Traub, technology and innovation in fashion and retail.

Early employee, Director of Business Development Shapeways (NYSE:SHPW), funded by Andreessen Horowitz, Union Square Ventures, Lux Capital, and Hewlett-Packard.

Founder, Charles Maddock Foundation, a charity focused on victims of brain trauma.

AB Brown University, MBA Columbia Business School

Fritz Vollrath

Head of Oxford Silk Research Group.

50 years of published work on silk.

Researcher and Professor Department of Zoology, University of Oxford.

Founder; Oxford Biomaterials, Newrotex, Spintex Engineering.

Director: Orthox

Lecturer of Entrepreneurship, Oxford University’s Saiid Business School

Why “INO”?

Dr. Riina (Charlie’s neurosurgeon) refers to Charlie’s accident and recovery as Charlie’s “Odyssey”. Ino is a character from Homer’s epic poem “The Odyssey”. When Odysseus’s raft had been destroyed by Poseidon, Ino became his savior and wrapped him in the safety of a super strong and light weight material that enabled Odysseus to float and avoid drowning.